Junior AuthorFest

A beloved tradition - Junior AuthorFest celebrates all the budding authors at V-O! Students create biographies, short stories, poetry and essays with parent volunteers helping to the works into tangible books to share.


Over the course of several weeks, students write, draw, decorate and create wonderful stories, poetry, and biographies to share with their families and friends. Parent volunteers work to type, laminate and bind each book to preserve their work. It all comes together on one day where the children share their books with each other and the many parents who come to view them.

The committee is ideal for parents wishing to get involved at V-O and cannot commit to a schedule. Throughout April and May, parents are invited into V-O to organize, collate, staple and laminate the many titles that will be presented at AuthorFest!



The Junior AuthorFest Co-Chairs recruit and oversee the parent volunteers who organize materials to laminate and prepare the publications for presenting at the annual Junior AuthorFest.

Dana Israelski

Destiny Murphy

Glenda Malana

Julia Borden-Spillane

Lingrui Jiang

Tony Germanetto